Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

Join the League


Already a member? Log in to our membership portal to view your information and access the membership directory.

If you want to develop a better grasp of how we govern ourselves and to work for changes at the ward, city, state, or national level, join the League of Women Voters of Chicago.

The League is now active in all 50 states, but it was founded right here in Chicago on February 14, 1920, almost half a year before women won the right to vote, to prepare women to become informed and engaged citizens.

People of all genders are welcome. You can participate in our work as much or as little as your schedule allows. Add your voice and experience to our 100+ year-old organization.

There are many ways to get involved in LWV Chicago

  • Meet monthly in our Neighborhood Units

  • Work in League Committees

  • Plan and staff voter registration drives

  • Train as debate and informational forum moderators

  • Educate yourself and the public about City of Chicago issues

  • Meet with alderpersons and other City of Chicago officials to advocate for beneficial change

  • Give talks, draft statements, give testimony, write letters to the editor, conduct interviews

  • Keep informed through our weekly email updates

You can watch our latest New Member Orientation to learn more!

Where do my membership dues go?

When you join the League of Women Voters of Chicago, you also become a member the League of Women Voters of Illinois (LWVIL) and the League of Women Voters of the United States (LWVUS). As such, a portion of your dues also goes to these organizations. We’ve broken this information down for you below: 

Membership Levels

Individual Membership – $75
($11 = Chicago chapter, $32 = Illinois, $32 = national)

Household Membership (Two members, same address) – $120
($24 = Chicago chapter, $48 = Illinois, $48 = national)

Benefactor Membership – $150
($86 = Chicago chapter, $32 = Illinois, $32 = national)

Student Affiliate – $0
($0 = Chicago chapter, $0 = Illinois, $0 = national)

The League of Women Voters of Chicago is a 501(c)(3) organization; all membership dues are tax deductible.

If membership dues present a difficulty, please discuss it with our Membership Director at membership@lwvchicago.org or call 312-939-5949. Confidentiality is assured.

Members of LWV Chicago are also automatically members of LWV Cook County (LWVCC), LWV Lake Michigan Region (LWVLMR), and LWV Upper Mississippi River Region (LWVUMRR).

If you have questions or comments, contact membership@lwvchicago.org or 312-939-5949.

Renew Your Membership

Every League member who renews helps LWV Chicago remain a force for civic engagement in our city. 

You may be a member who participates in many League activities or only a few, or you may participate by financially supporting our League’s work, but all of our members contribute to our educational programs and voter services at no cost to Chicago’s residents.

If dues prevent you from renewing your membership, please contact our Membership Director. Confidentiality is assured.

If you have questions or comments, contact membership@lwvchicago.org or 312-939-5949.