Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.


We are a volunteer-run organization. Without you, we cannot fulfill our mission.

Whether you like to work a crowd or work behind the scenes, whether you have an hour a week or an hour a month, we’re happy to have your help. Check out the volunteer roles we have available and sign up for any that interest you!

Many volunteer opportunities are only available to members. If you want to support us, join us.


City Government

Observe and analyze the workings of Chicago’s City Council.

  • Schedule: First Wednesday afternoon of each month
    Location: LWV Chicago's downtown office [Currently remote due to pandemic]

    Attend City Council meetings (in person or virtually) and meet with fellow City Government Committee members with an eye toward improving our city government’s transparency and accessibility.

  • Schedule: Varies
    Location: Can work remotely

    The City Government Committee is working to conduct Zoom interviews with all 50 members of the City Council. Help us schedule interviews, host Zoom meetings, and interview aldermen!


Advocate for issues related to education policy in Chicago.

  • Schedule: Monthly weekday meetings
    Location: LWV Chicago's downtown office

    Join our Education Committee to study and advocate for issues related to education policy in Chicago. Local school councils, fiscal concerns of CPS and its oversight and accountability are just some of the Committee's current topics of interest.


Fight for better environmental policy and practices in Chicago.

  • Schedule: Committee meets on the third Monday of every month at 4 pm, schedule for other activities varies
    Location: Remote

    Our Environmental Action Committee is advocating for legislation in the City Council focused on improving the environmental health of Chicago and educating the public on sustainable options we as individuals can adopt. Join the effort!

Neighborhood Units

Meet in small groups to discuss issues and organize local action.

Voter Service

Get involved with registering and educating voters—the cornerstone of League work.



Help us get the word out.

  • Schedule: Weekly at your convenience
    Location: Can work remotely

    Regularly review and monitor our social media content, respond to comments and questions, and promote the content of other Leagues and organizations. You can pick and choose the platform(s) you’re interested in working with: Facebook, Twitter, and/or Instagram.

  • Schedule: Up to you
    Location: Can work remotely

    Help us maintain and improve our website. You will update the site as requests come in and review website content for relevance, accuracy, and grammar and text flow.

  • Schedule: Up to you
    Location: Can work remotely

    Track and chronicle issues and the ways they affect the city of Chicago. Interested in social justice and the challenges faced by diverse communities around the city? Or public safety and efforts to reduce violence and improve neighborhood well-being? Do you have a favorite policy area you'd like to cover? We’ll help you find out the latest news, follow trends and keep us all informed about what’s happening here and now in our city.

  • Schedule: Varies
    Location: Varies [Currently remote due to pandemic]

    Attend League events and activities and report on what happens! Your writing will be shared on all of our platforms. You get to choose which events you cover.

  • Schedule: Up to you
    Location: Can work remotely

    Create graphics for us! We use Canva and would prefer you do too. No prior knowledge is necessary; we will provide training.

  • Schedule: Varies
    Location: Varies

    Handy with your phone's camera? That's all it takes. Help us record and publicize our work by attending League events and activities to snap some photos.

  • Schedule: Up to you
    Location: Can work remotely

    Review the analytics on one or more of our platforms (Website, MailChimp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) to discern patterns and suggest improvements in our media activity.


Plan and organize events.

  • Schedule: Varies
    Location: Varies [Currently remote due to pandemic]

    Program and organize our events! Maybe you have a great idea for a new lecture topic, or maybe you're excellent at manning a check-in table. If you're interested in planning or running events, we're happy to have your help.

  • Schedule: Varies
    Location: Remote

    Are you a Zoom superstar, or do you want to learn how to be one? We're looking for people willing to help out at our virtual events by acting as the Zoom host. Duties would include sharing your screen, monitoring the chat, and ensuring that everyone is muted appropriately.


Engage members in the League.

  • Schedule: Varies
    Location: LWV Chicago's downtown office [Currently remote due to pandemic]

    Work with our Membership Committee to attract new members and keep existing members engaged in League activities. Work with other committees to ensure there are opportunities for all members to get involved and plan social events so members can meet and mingle.

  • Schedule: Meets second Monday of each month
    Location: Varies, generally virtual

    Work with our Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (CODI) to ensure we meet our commitment to having a diverse membership of women and men from different backgrounds, including race, ethnicity, religion, gender or gender preference, education, and income level.

  • Schedule: Varies
    Location: Varies [Currently remote due to pandemic]

    Reach out to new members, invite them to upcoming events, and acquaint them with League activities and practices. The League Connector program is a great opportunity to meet people and learn more about the League. No need to be an expert on everything—you just need to help new members feel welcomed and connected.

  • Schedule: Up to you
    Location: Can work remotely

    Love data entry? Help us keep our membership and contributor data current.