Sustainable Spring Cleaning

Trees are budding, birds are chirping, daffodils are peeking through…ahhh, Springtime. Time to throw open the windows, plant some pansies, and break out the patio furniture!

Is spring cleaning also on your mind? Our ever-evolving Tips and Tricks for Sustainable Living is at your disposal, brimming with ideas to make your home sparkle and your laundry fresh as a daisy—while also pitching plastics from your world and controlling what ends up in the landfill. Bookmark us in your ‘favorites’ for handy referral at

Ready to refresh your towels? Make sure your new ones are 100% cotton (read on to see why), then head to your local animal shelter to donate the old ones. Fido and Fluffy will be grateful, as will the dedicated volunteers and staff caring for them. On your way out, scratch a chin and pat a head or two…it will do your heart good!

Time to break out your spring attire? As you put away your winter coats and sweaters, do your thoughts turn to ideas for new spring items to refresh your wardrobe? Again check out Tips and Tricks for Sustainable Living for ideas on how to care for your clothes, and, additionally, how to repurpose your unwanted clothing and even turn them into cash for new things.

As you shop, look for quality clothing made from natural fibers (cotton, silk, linen, wool). Fast fashion is predominately made from synthetic fibers (polyester, rayon, acrylic, spandex, etc.) that come from fossil fuels. Clothing made from synthetic fibers are not made to last and therefore are hard to donate or resell, and they cannot be recycled. Additionally, microscopic synthetic fibers leach into the water system through the wash and eventually wind up in our drinking water. Take a listen to Fast Fashion’s Dirty Little Secret (Hint: It’s Oil) on the podcast How to Save A Planet; it will change the way you shop for clothing forever.

Spring Holidays

This April is also a big month for religious observances. Ramadan, Passover, and Easter can be very Earth-friendly if you use your newly-honed skills from our Tips & Tricks for Sustainable Living as you ready your homes, plan your menus, grocery shop, and set the table for communing with family and friends.

By comparison, commercial Easter festivities can be very plastic-heavy, so we encourage you to think ‘outside the basket’ and forgo the plastic grass, eggs and baskets! Look for reusable wicker baskets and fill them with pretty shredded paper, raffia or even newsprint. Dye real eggs with the kids in your world and use plastic fillable eggs ONLY if you are going to reuse them for many years. Better yet, look for bulk foil-wrapped candy eggs to hide for the Easter Egg Hunt.

Got any ideas of your own for how to reduce waste? Tell us at or join us at the Environmental Action Committee meetings on the first and third Mondays of each month from 4–5 pm.

Ramadan Mubarak, Chag Pesach Sameach, Happy Easter, Happy Spring!

Julia Utset and Claudia Jackson

Julia Utset and Claudia Jackson are the chairs of LWV Chicago's Environmental Action Group.


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