League Urges Posting of Direct Introduction Item

Last week, we published an article about the lack of transparency when an item is directly introduced by the mayor or a department or agency to a City Council Committee for consideration. The Council’s Rule 41 provides for such “direct introduction” items.

The LWV Chicago City Government Committee noted that a direct introduction of an amendment to the City’s Ethics Ordinance was on the agenda of the Ethics and Government Oversight Committee this past Friday and alerted the League’s Executive Committee.  

League President Jane Ruby sent a letter to the Ethics Committee urging that the ordinance be given an item number and that the text be posted. The League letter crossed at the same time as that action was being taken by Committee Chair Michele Smith. As a result, the League and other members of the public were able to read the text of the proposed ordinance, albeit less than 24 hours prior to the Committee meeting. 

The ordinance amendment, which does tighten the Ethics Ordinance, was passed by the Committee and will be on the City Council’s July 20 agenda.  See O2022-2064.

Read League President Jane Ruby’s letter.


Plastic-Free July Event Recap


Interview with Ald. Anthony Napolitano