Protect the Environment

Voice Your Support for the “America the Beautiful” Initiative

With the goal of protecting at least 30% of U.S. lands, waters and ocean by 2030, the “America the Beautiful” initiative would protect entire ecosystems and all the wildlife that depend on them.

Right now, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) wants to hear from the public and use your input to evaluate the measures they will take to advance its goals and recommendations.

Take Action

Email NOAA before the public comment period closes on December 28.

What You Should Know

Scientists say that conserving at least 30% of our lands, waters and ocean is necessary to prevent the extinction of wildlife, stabilize our climate and safeguard our future and our children’s future. Further, almost all of our economic activity relies on nature.

A World Economic Forum report found that the top five risks facing the world in 2021 are all linked to the environment, including biodiversity loss, climate change and extreme weather events, and it notes the importance of prioritizing equitable investment in habitat protection.

In addition to to protecting at least 30% of U.S. lands, waters and ocean by 2030, the “America the Beautiful” initiative may also expand the National Marine Sanctuary System, creating more protected areas in our waterways to address nature loss, climate change and equity, while engaging underserved and tribal communities. Further, it would restore and improve natural spaces through an expansion of NOAA’s National Coastal Resilience Fund.

Thank you for taking action!


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