Back to School in Sustainable Style: K-12 Edition

Back to school? Already? Where did the summer go?? It’s time to get ‘geared’ up, and the The Waste Not Want Not team is here to help you combine school’s three R’s of reading, writing and ‘rithmetic with the planet’s three R’s of reduce, reuse, and recycle!

Three steps for you:

1. Take Inventory

Why buy new when you already own? Go through all the clothing, handed-down things that are too small from an older family member to a younger one, then donate what can’t be used (another parent will be very grateful). Encourage your older teens to trade items they are tired of with friends. Then fill in what is needed as sales come up. 

Lunch totes and reusable beverage containers can also be used year after year or passed on. School supplies? Again, gather what you already have, then fill in the gaps! 

Sports equipment, musical instruments, art supplies…..Same!

2. Watch for Sales and Shop With a List

After you have taken inventory, make a list of what is needed. This will help curb the impulse purchases. Then, watch for sales. Everything goes on sale eventually, so if it can wait, you can probably save $$ by being patient.

Think reusable with everything you buy. Reusable lunch totes instead of plastic or paper bags, Stashers instead of single-use baggies, refillable beverage containers instead of plastic water bottles or juice pouches. Skip the unhealthy (and plastic-packaged) Lunchables® and nourish your child with healthy alternatives.

When purchasing backpacks, look for those made from recycled materials or without the toxic chemicals often found in plastic (i.e., PVCs, phthalates). Yes, they are more expensive, but children are more sensitive to chemical impacts because they are still growing.

3. Think Emissions

If you are less than a mile from home, think about biking or walking. Not only will it save on emissions, it is a healthy habit for the whole family. Moms and Dads, you can get in your steps too!

If you are more than a mile away from the school, take advantage of any busing options. Buses are the ultimate carpool. If your student needs to drive, insist on carpooling. Not only does it save on emissions, it will save at the gas pump, wear and tear on the car, and expensive parking.

Pro tip: If you have to drop off and pick up at school, PLEASE DON’T IDLE. Just think of all those unnecessary emissions in the air around the school. 

Did we miss anything? Email us at with your Tips and Tricks for a sustainable Back to School and for the Zoom link for our monthly meetings on the 3rd Monday of each month @4pm!

Julia Utset and Claudia Jackson

Julia Utset and Claudia Jackson are the chairs of LWV Chicago's Environmental Action Group.


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