Greetings Fellow Earthlings and Happy Earth Day

In honor of the 52nd anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, we want to bestow upon you a few ‘gifts’ and also share some ideas on how to honor the Earth this week.

First, the gifts!

Our partners at Chicago Environmentalists have put together THE best, most comprehensive website of green resources in Chicago! Composting in Chicago? Check! Zero-waste stores and food co-ops in Chicago? Check! Where to borrow tools you only need once, where to get discounted or gently-used art supplies, how to garden sustainably, a list of restaurants pledging to reduce plastic—all that, and so much more. Make sure to bookmark the Chicago Environmentalist website for easy reference! Additionally, we’ve linked many of the resources in our Tips & Tricks for Sustainable Living.

Now, who’s up for Green Drinks? The organizer of the ‘Bring Your Bag Chicago’ campaign and fellow League member Jordan Parker has reinstated Chicago Green Drinks, which meets the last Wednesday of every month from 6–8 pm at different spots near the Loop. Come hang out Wednesday, April 27, on Cerise Rooftop at 203 N Wabash to connect with other climate activists and make friends. For the more adventurous, their Green Drinks 77 group meets in each of the 77 neighborhoods throughout the year. 

Are you ready for a cleanup?

The Rochester Institute of Technology estimates that 22 million pounds of plastic enters the Great Lakes every year…and more than 11 million of that goes into just Lake Michigan! Again, Chicago Environmentalists to the rescue. Use this Clean Up By Ward guide to sign up and pick up some litter!

Lastly, we have some requests for you.

We have joined the Vote YES to save the Cook County Forest Preserves coalition. Forest Preserves are not only home to many species of animals and native vegetation, they also absorb water to prevent flooding, help keep our air clean, and provide jobs.

Cook County is proposing to raise property taxes by an average of $1.66/month per household to subsidize pension shortfalls and deferred maintenance. The referendum will be voted on in the November 8 General Election. It will appear at the very end of the ballot, so many voters may miss it! We need you to be informed and help us get the word out. Join the Environmental Action Committee on May 2 at 4 pm to find out how to support the Forest Preserves.

Additionally, we need your thoughts on the information we share in our regular columns and Tips & Tricks for Sustainable Living. Have you been inspired to make changes in your lifestyle? Have you found errors? Do you have other products and ideas we should include?

Let us know at And we would love to see photos of your Earth Day activities. Whether you do a cleanup, plant a tree or simply hug a tree, send us photos of your endeavors. We want to see what you are up to!

Julia Utset and Claudia Jackson

Julia Utset and Claudia Jackson are the chairs of LWV Chicago's Environmental Action Group.


Plastics and Forest Preserves


Chicago City Council—Who’s Minding the Store?