Feeling Climate Anxiety?

April is Earth month, and we celebrate this beautiful planet we call home! We visit parks, look for migrating birds, and see what is growing in our yards. We help raise awareness of the issues that affect the environment. For some of us, this is loving and empowering. For a lot of us, it produces anxiety.

Does climate angst keep you up at night? Do you feel pangs of guilt as you go through your day? Do your worries stop you from enjoying daily life? You are not alone, according to this article in Harvard Health

So, what’s a person to do? The Harvard Health article suggests that “climate anxiety is rife with uncertainty, but taking action may help you feel in control. Talk with others, join forces, and make lifestyle changes based on your values.” Here are some steps to get started:

Take a deep breath and acknowledge—CLIMATE CHANGE IS NOT YOUR FAULT!

Acknowledge that you are not powerless. You can make a difference!

Start making small sustainable changes in your home and lifestyle. Check out our Tips & Tricks for Sustainable Living for ideas, take our Environmental Audit Challenge, or explore this handy resource from Chicago Environmentalists.

Educate yourself on the issues that pique your interest. Read, attend seminars, and listen to podcasts.

Choose something and go deeper. Are you interested in food systems and food waste? Does the amount of plastic you come in contact with disturb you? Does the decarbonization of buildings fascinate you? Is your thing planting trees?

The important thing is to pick something, then stay in your lane. You can’t do everything, and there are many passionate people out there fighting hard with you.

What’s next?

Find a team and get involved. Energy comes from finding like-minded people to collaborate with. Plug in by offering up your talents. Are you an ‘idea’ person? Do you like social media? Are you a communicator? Do you like to write? Organizations need all kinds of talent to function. Just offer up what you like to do. 

Don’t get overwhelmed. There’s always more to do than there is time to do it. 

Join the EAC team! We are here to help you every step of the way. We can point you to information, organizations, and much, much more to help you plug in. 

Think about joining our meetings the 3rd Monday of every month from 4-5 pm. Leave a comment below, or email us at environment@lwvchicago.org!

Julia Utset and Claudia Jackson

Julia Utset and Claudia Jackson are the chairs of LWV Chicago's Environmental Action Group.


Final Runoff Election Results


April is Earth Month